Successful Church Organ Appeal
The Organ, which was probably built by Nicholson’s of Worcester in the early 1840’s, was last repaired in 1986
and needed urgent work on the Great Soundboard and Re-leathering of the Bellows. The estimated cost was
in the region of £40,000. This was raised thanks to the extremely generous donations and help of many people.
On Saturday 17th September there was a reception with an organ recital by James Henderson to celebrate the completion of the restoration of the organ.
Fundraising Success
Cabaret Evening for the Organ Fund
On Friday, 22nd January, a full house enjoyed a wonderful evening of entertainment, supper and dancing at the Palmer Hall.
The Cabaret Evening with Jean and Barry Kilgariff (Spindrift) was an absolute sell out. Also thanks to Dave who was on the guitar.
Magic cooks appeared with Cottage Pie and Turkey Fricassee and then finally an Italian lemon pudding. (The cake of the Grandmother)
The bar sold out almost before the evening started.
Thanks not only to the sterling people who helped wash up and clear up but to the couple who ran the bar, to Andrew the butcher
for providing the meat and Colosseo who made the delicious pudding. The total raised was a splendid £1675.
Coffee Morning in aid of Flower Festival
This April event was well attended and raised £410.
Tunisian Evening
Colosseo cooked and served a North African Meal with Wine Bar which was enjoyed immensely by all those who came. The event raised
£550 in aid of the Organ Fund.
Gloucestershire Historic Churches Ride and Stride
In September Geoff Hawkes and Phil Trickett braved torrential rain to visit local churches and raise over £700. Half of that sum plus all
the gift aid goes to the work of the Trust. The rest is returned to St Mary's to support the life of the parish.
Christmas Fair
This December event raised a magnificent £1185.15 for Church funds.
Charities supported over the Year
January: Mary's Meals
February: People for You
March: Middle East Church Association (JMECA)
April: The Carers' Trust
May: Scripture Union Romania
July: Mission to Seafarers
August: The College of St Barnabus, Lingfield
September: Farms for City Children
October: St Luke’s Healthcare for the Clergy
November: The Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA)
December:The Children’s Society and CRISIS
News December 2016
News November 2016
News October 2016
News September 2016
News August 2016
News July 2016
News June 2016
News May 2016
News April 2016
News March 2016
News February 2016
News January 2016
St Mary's News Round-Up 2015
St Mary's News Round-Up 2014
St Mary's News Round-Up 2013
St Mary's News Round-Up 2012
St Mary's News Round-Up 2011
New Curate for St Mary's
The new curate, Rev’d Helen Caine, gave her first service on the 26th of June at the Family Service,
It was followed by a bring and share party in the Community Centre to welcome her.
Curates are essentially apprentice vicars. Having undertaken a formal course of learning, they then work in a particular parish,
taking services, being trained in everything a vicar needs to know and do.
St Mary's Flower Festival
16th to 19th September>
Porch: Luncheon on the Grass by Claude Monet as realised in flower by Heather Gorton. See more photos from St Mary's Flower Festival
The Flower Festival was very successful. We had visitors from all over the county and further afield. Very many thanks to all
who came along and donated so generously. It was hard work but very rewarding for all the flower arrangers.
Over £1000 was raised which will go towards the upkeep of St. Marys.
Music at St Mary's
Concert in St Mary's, 11th June
In a departure from previous music concerts Prog Rock came to St Mary's in the shape of Bootleg Floyd. The sound was amazing - the church an awe-inspiring venue.
40% of the proceeds went to St. Mary's, as well as all proceeds from the bar.
Fairford Festival of Choirs
This was held in November. The proceeds (£592) went to charity.
- Fairford Church Choir
- Coln Choir
- Serendipity
- Kempsford Church Choir
- Individual Performances
Charity Advent Service
A Traditional Advent with Fairford’s own choir. The collection was shared between Gloucestershire Arthritis Trust (GAT) and St Mary’s Church.
Scripture Union Romania
Youth Worker, Chris Saunders, and an eight-strong team of teenagers from the area served alongside SU Romania again in the summer of 2016.
Having encountered last-minute changes to their planned programme they ended up running a holiday club at a church in a small town
called Biled. In sharing with the children and youth through craft, games and bible stories they trust that there has been a great
deal of encouragement for the local church as well as a lot of fun for the young people. Further, the lives of our young people
have been immeasurably enriched and a pledge has been made to continue to support the work of a faithful few in Romania.
A big thank you to all who prayed for the group and helped raise the funds to go…. to such an extent that they were able to
give a financial gift to the hugely appreciative local workers!