Baptism Renewal Service and Party
On 28th June everyone baptised at St. Mary’s and their families was invited back to remember and celebrate their baptisms.
There was a short service in church renewing baptism vows, followed by garden party at the Vicarage with
lunch and children’s books on sale.
Launch of the Church Organ Appeal
At the September meeting of the PCC a resolution was passed to apply for a Faculty for the much needed
repairs to the Organ.
The Organ, which was probably built by Nicholson’s of Worcester in the early 1840’s, was last repaired in 1986.
It is now needing urgent work on the Great Soundboard and Re-leathering of the Bellows. The estimated cost is
in the region of £40,000. We hope to start work after Easter next year and this is estimated to be six weeks.
Obviously a lot of Fund Raising is going to be needed!
Alison Godsal, Co-ordinator of the Organ Appeal
Fundraising Success
Gloucestershire Historic Churches Ride and Stride 12th
Geoff Hawkes took a very early bus into Cirencester where he visited the town's churches of various denominations before walking
back to Fairford calling into a number of village churches on the way. He walked at least 13 miles.
Dave Mills, Mike Bottomley and Phil Trickett rode 50 miles on our tour which took in 27 churches.
Thanks again to everyone's generosity they raised a sum of £1,025.80, half of which will come back to St. Mary's.
Summer Lunch With Pig Roast
A successful event organised by B&B Enterprises on 16th August. The very generous food donations also went a very long way to making
the event a great financial success. The final profit after taking all the expenses into account was £1,225.74 –
a much needed boost to church funds.>
Puddings for Nepal
9 October. With Entertainment by 'Cirencester Bell-ringers'. This event in the Palmer Hall raised £400 for the rebuilding effort in Nepal.
Autumn Fair
14th November. This raised a magnificent £1,858 for Church funds.
Advent Drinks Party and Canapés
Mike and Alison thank all those who came to the Advent Drinks Party on 6th December and also those who could not come but donated so generously.
Thank you also to all those who made the canapes. It is wonderful to hold a party in the Community Centre, as towards the end a
magical party of washers-up always seems to appear. Thank you to them too.
The Grand total before Gift Aid was £1,369. This is for the Organ Fund.
Charities supported over the Year
January: Ordination Candidates Training Fund (OCTF)
February: People for You
March: Middle East Church Association (JMECA)
April: Embrace the Middle East
May: Help Madina
June: Coram
July: Mission to Seafarers
August: The Prospect Hospice
September: Farms for City Children
October: St Luke’s Healthcare for the Clergy
November: The Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA)
Carol Service: The Children’s Society
Crib Service: CRISIS
Music at St Mary's
Music in Country Churches
A weekend of the highest quality music took place on 22nd and 23rd May to support the church of St Michael and
All Angels Harnhill.
Fairford Festival of Choirs
This was held on 13th June. Entertainment was provided by Coln St Aldwyns Choir, Fairford Church Choir, Splash of Red and musical items from individuals.
The proceeds went to charity.
Wessex Male Voice Choir Concert
24 October
Welcome to Fairford
The Pastoral Care team at St Mary’s Church Fairford held an event at the end of May to welcome the new residents in
Fairford and to introduce them to the various clubs and societies we have in the town.
Romanian Youth Mission Trip
In early July our youth worker, Chris, both interns and 4 intrepid young people from across the South Cotswolds Team
ventured into the unknown in reaching out to the often-neglected, Romany community in southern Romania.
Working through the local church via a Scripture Union link they sought to embody a faith in Jesus Christ through
practical signs of love and compassion.
Funday Sunday became Messy Church
In September Funday Sunday was renamed Messy Church. We are now entered on the Messy Church website.
Everything else remains the same - activities and games in the church from 4pm,
followed by a Celebration and then a cooked meal in the Community Centre, finishing about 6pm.
News December 2015
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News January 2015
St Mary's News Round-Up 2014
St Mary's News Round-Up 2013
St Mary's News Round-Up 2012
St Mary's News Round-Up 2011