Music at St Mary's
Gloucester Cathedral Choir
On Sunday October 13th St Mary's resonated to the sound of the Gloucester Cathedral Choir. The choir stems
from that established by Henry VIII in 1539 and consists of 20 boys (choristers)
and 12 men (lay clerks and choral scholars). The choir sings six services each week in term time
and major Carol Services at Advent, Christmas and Epiphany. Twice a year they sing live on BBC
Radio 3 and regularly take part in concerts with other prestigious choirs and orchestras, most
recently with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, In addition, the choir have recorded
commercial CD’s of sacred music.
The Retiring Collection was in aid of Choir Outreach work.
Christmas Crackers: A Festival of Carols
On 1st December The Fairford and District Choral Society performed Benjamin Britten’s Ceremony of Carols,
Vaughan Williams’s Fantasia on Christmas Carols and Music for Harp and Organ and Advent Carols. There was a
Competitive quiz: Quizzical Quarols with PRIZES! (compèred by Rev Brian Atkinson).
Charity Carol Service
This was held on 8th December. Traditional Carols plus St Mary’s Church choir. The Retiring collection was
shared between Glos Arthritis Trust and Fairford’s Community Bus.
Fundraising Events
Babs and Beck's Enterprises
Bingo Fish & Chips in March raised £766.45.
Coronation Lunch in celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Coronation of Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth II on 2nd June raised £689.33.
A great time was had by all. A huge thank you to all those who helped but especially Heather and Andy W who
prepared loads of the lovely food, to Heather who make the pretty table decorations and to Pam and Dave Nelmes who took
so much time and trouble in decorating the Hall which looked resplendent in red white and blue. Also to all
those very generous people who donated plates of food.
Bingo Bangers & Mash on 18th October raised £866.29.
Many thanks to Barbara and Rebecca for their outstanding contribution.
Summer Fete
The Summer Fete in aid of the Church and Town charities raised a magnificent £2530 (net). The Church's share was
£2076.95 and approximately £300 of this has been kept in the Fete Account ear-marked for repairs to the kneelers.
Click here for pictures of the Summer Fete. Thank you to
all those who contributed and came along.
Advent Drinks Party in December. The total amount taken for this including Donations and Gift Aid was £1106.00.
A big thank you to Mike and Alison Godsal.
St Mary’s Christmas Coffee Morningon 7th December raised about £400. Thank you to all involved.
Youth Work
From 13th to 18th August, 11 young people from across the South Cotswold Team, with a small team of leaders
including our youth worker, Chris Saunders, went to Soul Survivor, Britain's premier youth festival, staged
at the Royal Bath and West Showground at Shepton Mallett. Despite the almost persistent drizzle for several days,
enthusiasm was never dampened!
The Wednesday evening Bible Study Group had a week away at the end of the year which was very enjoyable.
There were several Youth Services throughout the year.
Clubs for Children and Families
The monthly Messy Space, the Jesus for Me Club, Excite and a 3 day Holiday Club in August provided crafts, stories
fun and worship for children.
Charities supported over the Year
January: Embrace the Middle East
February: The Prayer Book Society (PBS)
March: Jerusalem and the Middle East Churches Association (JMECA)
April: Cotswold Care Hospice
May: Action for Kids
June: Help Madina
July: Mission to Seafarers
August: Gloucestershire Historic Churches Trust
September: Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI)
October: St Luke’s Healthcare for the Clergy
November: ABF (Army Benevolent Fund)
Carol Service: The Children’s Society
Crib Service: CRISIS
The Visit of Sister Frances Dominica
Thursday 21st March. Sister Frances Dominica is from Helen & Douglas House Hospice, Oxford, where they provide end of life
care for children and young adults, together with support for their families.
Sr Frances is an inspiring speaker and what she said lead us ever deeper into Holy Week and Easter.
Special Services
Coronation Service
On 2nd June, we celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
In church special prayers were said to mark this occasion and to honour the achievements of her reign.
Throughout the last sixty years the Queen has embodied Christian beliefs and principles in a unique way
and served the nation and Commonwealth with conspicuous dedication.
The Pentecost Service
For our Pentecost service Brian asked members of the congregation to wear something red, the colour of
Pentecost, and told them there would be prizes (entirely at the vicar's whim or fancy).
Click here for the photographs.
Help Madina
Dr Veronica Sawicki and Dr Rohit Sethi – founders and Trustees of Help Madina – came to the morning
service on Sunday, 16 June, to speak about the help provided through their charity to the people living
in the Madina area of Sierra Leone in West Africa.
At the coffee morning following the service donations from those present and payment for items
from the Bring & Buy table totalled £1,031.30, which was added to the money placed in the
Charity of the Month wallbox in the church, and other PCC amounts.
Patronal Service
Our Patronal Festival on Sunday 8 September, celebrated the Birth of the
Blessed Virgin Mary. The 10am service was led by The Rt. Rev’d Michael Perham, Bishop of
Gloucester, and the other clergy and congregations of the South Cotswold Team were
invited to attend. It was a splendid occasion, especially as one third of the churches
in the Team are dedicated to St Mary!
Special Events
Pancake Party12th February
Family Harvest SupperOctober 4th followed by a short musical: FROM PHAROAH TO FREEDOM
Parish Retreat
This year the Parish retreat was on the 1st - 3rd November 2013. The Retreat was held again
at the Marist Centre in Nympsfield, a place of peace and tranquillity. See photo below.
It was led by The Rev’d Dr. Mike Tucker, a priest and former nuclear physicist. After retirement from
Berkeley Power Station he became vicar of Amberley and also Gloucester Diocesan Officer for Ordinands.
Electoral Roll
A new Electoral Roll is prepared every six years - and 2013 was one of those years. The old Roll was scrapped and
everyone had to complete a form in order to be included on the new one. The new Roll was presented at the APCM.
News December 2013
News November 2013
News October 2013
News September 2013
News August 2013
News July 2013
News June 2013
News May 2013
News April 2013
News March 2013
News February 2013
News January 2013
St Mary's News Round-Up 2012