Music at St Mary's
Music in Country Churches 25th and 26th May
MICC, a charity which raises funds to assist churches with the cost of repairs and maintenance put on
three concerts in St Mary’s.
This was a very successful event, planned and executed by Alison Godsal and her vast number of cohorts, especially
her husband Mike. Much hard work goes in to such events and we are very grateful for the unstinting support they gave.
And Prince Charles was just as complimentary as ever about it all, so a good result all round.
We hosted these concerts on behalf of St Mary’s, Driffield, a much smaller member of our Team and proceeds will go to them.
Click for full details.
Concert by the Wessex and Cornish Male Voice Choirs
Saturday 20 October
This concert raised £2235 for St Mary’s.
Fundraising Events
Bingo and Supper
B&B Enterprises organised 2 Good Nights Out in March and November to raise funds for St Mary's.
The March Bingo netted £864, the November one £1000. Many thanks to Babs and Becks for all their hard work.
Christmas 'Bloody Mary Party'
Mike and Alison Godsal kindly organised wine, soft drinks and canapés at Fairford Community Centre in December for
an unusually entitled party. The party raised £850 for St Mary's.
Bonfire and Fireworks
St Mary's and Fairford Primary School organised this event on 3rd November in the field next to the church. The bonfire
was at 6.30 and the fireworks display started at 7.00. There were also fairground rides.
The sky was lit up with amazing colours. The event raised £570 for St Marys.
Charities supported over the Year
January: Biblelands
February: The Church Missionary Society
March: Medical and Scientific Aid for Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia (MSAVLC)
April: The Jerusalem and the Middle East Church Association (JMECA)
May: The Prayer Book Society (PBS)
June: Cotswold Centre for Voluntary Services (CVS)
July: Mission to Seafarers
August: The Church Housing Trust (CHT)
September: Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI)
October: Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association – Forces Help (SSAFA)
November: The Prospect Hospice
Carol Service: The Children’s Society
Crib Service: CRISIS
The total amount raised by the congregation for the charities in 2012 was £4,166.23.
News December 2012
News November 2012
News October 2012
News September 2012
News August 2012
News July 2012
News June 2012
News May 2012
News April 2012
News March 2012
News February 2012
News January 2012
St Mary's News Round-Up 2011
Visit of The Rt Rev’d Michael Perham, Bishop of Gloucester
On Wednesday 1 February we welcomed The Rt Rev’d Michael Perham, Bishop of Gloucester to St Mary’s.
He talked about ‘Worship that transforms lives’. The Team clergy felt that as many people as possible from this area
should hear what the Bishop had to say to our rural communities so clergy and laypeople from all over the SCTM joined us.
Special Services
Service of Thanksgiving
The Diamond Jubilee celebrations really brought people together: people from the Chapel and St Thomas’ joined us
in St Mary’s for the Service of Thanksgiving and there was a real buzz about the town as people entered into the
spirit of the occasion. While it was obviously about The Queen it was also about us as a nation. As I said in my
sermon, she has for 60 years given this nation a sense of unity and purpose that no one else could provide and she
has done so from an explicitly Christian viewpoint; affirming by word and example the ultimate importance of family,
community and Christian values and principles.
The Team Rector
350th Anniversary of the Book of Common Prayer
Sunday 14 October. The Book of Common Prayerfirst was published in 1662.
To mark this occasion the 10am service was a BCP Sung Communion with readings from the King James Bible, which
celebrated its 400th anniversary last year.
Activities for Children and Youth
NEW for Children: Jesus and Me Club
2012 saw the successful launch of a new club for children every second Sunday of the month.
Stories, craft, fun and food.
Youth Work
Rock the Cathedral Youth Event: 16th March 2012
took place in the magnificent setting of Gloucester Cathedral. Altogether more than 600 youth
and leaders from across the county and beyond gathered to hear some top Christian artists perform.
Beside the musical talent on display and other entertainment (such as sports and giant games) there was another
objective – to engage young people with social justice. Through our ‘Charity Market Place’ everyone was invited
to learn more about the various charities represented (such as Compassion UK, Gloucester City Mission and Food Bank).
There were also opportunities for reflection and prayer through a prayer station zone and a prayer labyrinth.
Chris Saunders, the Team youth worker said, “It was also very pleasing that 30 people from the South Cotswold Team parishes
attended, some participating as volunteers.
Gaines Youth Residential (nr Worcester): 20-22 April 2012
A mix of fun, friendship and faith including team games, go-karting and a look at wisdom through the Proverbs!
Over 30 young people signed up.
A good time was had at the Meysey Hampton Cake Bake 13th July- where we beat the showers,
raised over £100 and, also, raised the profile of youth work in the area. Chris Saunders, our youth worker,
brought some young people and displayed information and pictures about the vast range of his work.
Fairford Youth Club (11-14's) recommenced on 17th September with a 'food theme'. Give thanks for a strong
team to initiate and sustain this important work.
Confirmation Service on 7th October at Kempsford.
PGL Activity Day - Sat 6th October. Masses of fun activities including Giant Swing, Crate Stack and Aeroball.
Open to all young people of secondary school age.