The World Day of Prayer
Friday 6th March, 2:30pm
St Thomas a Becket church, Horcott
It has been prepared by the Christian Women of Zimbabwe.
All are welcome.
For more information contact Mary Mawle on 712174 or Jenny Hewes on 712200.
Baby Memorial Service
St Mary's Church, 5th April, 3pm
Embrace, the local infertility and baby loss support group, and St Mary's Church, Fairford, are working together to hold their second Baby Memorial Service,
on 5th April at 3pm. The service welcomes individuals, couples and families who have lost a baby at any age or stage of pregnancy, or who
grieve a pregnancy never even taking place, to come together to reflect and remember. You are welcome however long ago you experienced your loss or infertility.
The service is also for anyone who knows someone who has faced this loss or for anyone else who would like to offer their support and solidarity.
Baby loss and infertility are sadly common but still experienced and suffered too often in silence. We hope this service provides a safe space to come to remember
babies gone too soon and those who were much longed for, and to support and encourage those who have suffered this loss to live well in its light.
If you would like any more information, please contact Kate: or
Rev. Caroline Symcox:
or 01285 712467.
Charity of the Month: The Prayer Book Society
The Prayer Book Society was formed to promote and preserve the use of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer-the traditional service book of the Church of England
containing the Church's historic beliefs and its official standard of doctrine.
The Society works to ensure that the historic Prayer Book continues to be available to future generations, and seeks to introduce it to young people,
ordinands and PCCs throughout the Church of England. There are sister Societies in many parts of the Anglican Communion.
Rev Caroline indeed still uses the BCP gifted to her by the Prayer Book Society while training.
Messy Church
We meet on the second Sunday of every month EXCEPT AUGUST.
Sunday 8 March
In St Mary's Church. 4pm-6pm
Crafts, Games, Celebration, Cooked Meal FOR FAMILIES.
Our theme is ‘Falling and Breaking’’. We shall be looking at the habit of breaking bread and hopefully baking some bread too. We have some lovely ideas for cards to create as well.
This will be followed by a Celebration and then a cooked meal in the Community Centre, finishing about
6pm as usual. Anyone can come and all are welcome
Please let us know of any dietary requirements for the meal, otherwise just turn up on the day.
For further details contact: Sarah 01285 712074 or
Our February Messy Church was surprisingly well attended given the gales and torrential rain earlier in the day.
We were delighted to welcome some new families as well. We had fun decorating pots for planting bulbs,
making heart suncatchers and other heart related activities.
The Fairford Gospels
During Lent the four Gospels will be read, one each on four Fridays, in the United Church, Milton Street, starting at 12.30.
- February 28 Mark's Gospel
- March 13 Matthew's Gospel
- March 20 Luke's Gospel
- March 27 John's Gospel
Come when you can. Listen to all or part of the reading. A Soup Lunch will be available. All are welcome; you don't need to belong to any church.
More details from Maureen Partington 01285 712480.
Fairford Festival of Choirs 2020
Saturday, March 28th at :30pm
In St Mary's Church
Performers include Fairford Church choir, Coln choir, Highworth Songsters and individual instrumentalists.
Tickets £5, available from Fairford Opticians. Profits to charities chosen by the choirs.
V. E. Day Celebrations & Exhibition
23 to 25 May in St Mary's & Fairford Community Centre
We need anything at all to do with the Second World War. The idea is that we put together an exhibition of what we ate, drank, wore, read etc etc
on the 8th May 1945. We need uniforms too.
Please look in your attics, cupboards, drawers and sheds to see if you have anything suitable including photographs!
If you have could you please phone or email the Parish Office and let us know what you can offer us. We will then make a note of it and
contact you nearer the time to collect it. We will also need helpers. Setting up exhibition, bar etc etc.
Very many thanks from the VE Day Exhibition Committee. Telephone: 01285 712611
News February 2020
News January 2020
St Mary's News Round-Up 2019
St Mary's News Round-Up 2018
St Mary's News Round-Up 2017
St Mary's News Round-Up 2016
St Mary's News Round-Up 2015
St Mary's News Round-Up 2014
St Mary's News Round-Up 2013
St Mary's News Round-Up 2012