Swingalong Supper
With Spindrift
(Barry and Jean)
7.00pm Friday, 21st February
The Palmer Hall
Tickets £12.50 including supper. Bar available. Tickets will be on sale early January.
All proceeds for St.Mary’s church
Charity of the Month: The Leprosy Mission
The Leprosy Mission are an international Christian development organisation that diagnoses, treats and offers specialist care,
including reconstructive surgery, to leprosy patients. Their aim is to transform and empower the lives of people affected by leprosy.
Leprosy is a disease of poverty and as well as providing healthcare, the Mission offers rehabilitation, education, vocational training, small
business loans, housing and fresh water supplies and sanitation to tens of thousands of people each year. They provide a springboard
to restored health, self-sufficiency and renewed hope. Their services are provided regardless of religion or ethnicity,
promoting equality and social justice.
News December 2019
News November 2019
News October 2019
News September 2019
News August 2019
News July 2019
News June 2019
News May 2019
News April 2019
News March 2019
News February 2019
News January 2019
St Mary's News Round-Up 2018
St Mary's News Round-Up 2017
St Mary's News Round-Up 2016
St Mary's News Round-Up 2015
St Mary's News Round-Up 2014
St Mary's News Round-Up 2013
St Mary's News Round-Up 2012
St Mary's News Round-Up 2011
V. E. Day Celebrations & Exhibition
23 to 25 May in St Mary's & Fairford Community Centre
We need anything at all to do with the Second World War. The idea is that we put together an exhibition of what we ate, drank, wore, read etc etc
on the 8th May 1945. We need uniforms too.
Please look in your attics, cupboards, drawers and sheds to see if you have anything suitable including photographs!
If you have could you please phone or email the Parish Office and let us know what you can offer us. We will then make a note of it and
contact you nearer the time to collect it. We will also need helpers. Setting up exhibition, bar etc etc.
Very many thanks from the VE Day Exhibition Committee. Telephone: 01285 712611
Email: fairfordpcc@btconnect.com.
Messy Church
We meet on the second Sunday of every month EXCEPT AUGUST.
Sunday 12 January
In St Mary's Church. 4pm-6pm
Crafts, Games, Celebration, Cooked Meal FOR FAMILIES.
We start the year 2020 with an Eco Messy Church. The crafts will concentrate on making useful things from items we would normally throw away.
There will be games as well and these will be followed by a Celebration and then a cooked meal in the Community Centre, finishing about
6pm as usual. Anyone can come and all are welcome
Please let us know of any dietary requirements for the meal, otherwise just turn up on the day.
For further details contact: Sarah 01285 712074 or
Email stmaryslmt@gmail.com.